Car Maintenance Tips That Can Prevent Major Repair Costs

auto/car maintenance

Car Maintenance Tips / April 27, 2022

Car Maintenance Tips That Can Prevent Major Repair Costs

One of the biggest tips when it comes to taking care of your vehicle is that a little maintenance every so often can go a long way. While putting in a bit of extra time and money for routine maintenance, tire checks, and oil changes might seem like a hassle, the reality is that regular auto/car maintenance can help you keep major repairs away and help you save heaps of cash in the long-run.

In this blog, our team outlines some of the regular car maintenance tasks you can do to help deter large issues with your vehicle.

Oil Changes

On average, you should change your oil after every 5,000 or so miles. This number might vary per your vehicle’s unique specifications; however, it’s important to ensure you know your vehicle’s oil timeline so you can keep track. Oil can have an immense impact on your car’s functions and can cause some costly issues if not properly maintained. The cost for getting an oil change can be as little as $25 but is definitely worth the cost, in the long run, so make sure you’re regularly checking and changing your oil.

Replace Brake Pads

If you’re hearing squeaks every time you break, chances are it’s time to switch out those brake pads. While the cost can be upwards of $300 for a full replacement set, having properly functioning brakes that help avoid bumping into other vehicles or even pedestrians is a major weight lifted off your shoulder. A key maintenance tip is to ensure that your brake fluid is all good every time you get your oil changed and that your brake pads are in correct working order.

Keep Your Battery Clean 

Another great way to avoid the costs of a failed battery is by making sure you keep your battery clean and free of corrosion. Investing in a wire brush to keep the battery terminals clean and making sure you test your battery at least twice a year will help ensure everything stays as clean and efficient as possible. 

Check Your Spare

While it’s of course important to regularly get your tires checked, many people make the unfortunate mistake of not frequently checking their spare tire to ensure its properly inflated. There’s nothing worse when you’re reaching for your jack to realize that your spare tire isn’t fully inflated and that you need to spend money on a tow truck. The big maintenance takeaway is to make sure to frequently check the air pressure of your spare tire, at least every month or so.

Replace Your Filters

Keeping your old air conditioner filters around and not replacing them when needed can cause some long-lasting damage to your overall AC system. Replacing your entire AC unit can cost thousands of dollars, so it’s super important to make sure you’re changing out your air filters around every year or 12,000 miles. This will also help ensure you’re breathing in clean air free of pollutants.

Rotate Your Tires

Making sure you rotate your tires is one great way to save on costs and extend the life of your vehicle’s parts. The 4 tires of your car wear down in different ways and at different rates depending on the car, road, and passengers. Rotating the tires on your car can help extend their life and save you the hundreds of dollars it would take to buy a full new set. Make sure to rotate your tires every 4,000 miles or so.

Replace Your Windshield Wipers

Windshield wipers are a relatively cheap and easy fix when they’re not working properly, usually running a cost of less than $50. However, this is one of those maintenance features that is easy to forget about when your car is in the shop, or maybe that you’ve perhaps gradually adjusted to their inefficiency over time. Make sure you’re really paying attention to your wipers and replace them every couple of years when you notice they aren’t doing the job, as ensuring you can see properly makes for both safe and efficient driving.

Check Spark Plugs

Checking and changing your spark plugs is another great way to ensure that no long-term damage is being done to your engine. While spark plugs can normally be replaced for up to $30, a full engine overhaul could cost up to $7,000. This means to avoid your engine giving your trouble, make sure to look after your spark plugs and get them changed every 30,000 or so miles.

Book Your Vehicle Maintenance Service Today

If you’re looking for efficient and thorough auto/car maintenance, let one of our qualified and trained technicians help you out at Fred’s Auto Repair. We work with our clients to ensure that regular maintenance is helping keep your car sustainable and helping to avoid any of those larger and more expensive vehicle issues. Give us a call and book your appointment today in either of our Briarcliff Manor or Shrub Oak locations!