Know the Signs That You Need a Timing Belt Replacement!

timing belt replacement

Timing Belt / May 4, 2022

Know The Signs That You Need a Timing Belt Replacement!

Every piece of equipment in your car’s engine is important, but few are quite as critical as the timing belt.  This single rubber belt ensures your camshaft and crankshaft are synchronized, allowing the valves to continue moving as needed to keep the engine running. If the timing belt becomes stretched, torn, or broken it will significantly impair engine operation, cause damage to other components, or prevent the car from running.

So how do you know that you need a timing belt replacement in Briarcliff?  Here are some key signs:

Four Signs That Your Timing Belt Needs Replacing

1 – Rough idling

One of the most common ways a timing belt fails is that it starts losing the teeth necessary to grip onto components within your engine. As this occurs, the belt will start to slip from time to time, causing spurts and hiccups in the engine operation – especially when idling. Rough idling is one of the first big warning signs of genuine engine trouble, so get this checked out before anything gets worse.

2 – Smoke

Smoke from your engine hood isn’t necessarily a problem with overheating.  Because the timing belt also partially controls air intake and exhaust, a failing belt can potentially cause too much smoke or exhaust to remain in the engine compartment, creating smoke leaking from under the hood. If you’re getting smoke but your temperatures are in a safe range, it could easily be the belt.

3 – Broken valves or pistons

Moving into more serious problems, if the timing belt is no longer doing its job, various internal components in the engine may begin to impact each other. This is typically accompanied by audible knocking sounds. In particular, the valves and pistons are vulnerable to this. If you see broken parts within the engine compartment, the timing belt is probably the culprit – and your engine is already in a lot of trouble.

4 – Low oil pressure

Finally, the worst-case scenario is if progressive engine damage causes the oil pan to be broken or otherwise disruptive. This can cause a catastrophic lack of oil pressure, which will in turn cause an engine to overheat and fail in a very short amount of time.  If your oil pressure ever nosedives, pull over and stop the car immediately then call for a tow. It is not safe to drive.

Get Timing Belt Replacement and More

Fred’s Auto Service and Repair has been Briarcliff’s trusted local garage for over fifty years. We have recently added a location in Shrub Oak. When you need timing belt replacement, give us a call!