Understanding Shocks and Struts Repair & Replacement

shocks and struts repair services

Suspension Shocks Struts / December 20, 2021

What You Should Know About Shocks and Struts Replacement

Sometimes your car or truck may begin to bounce wildly while you drive over a bump. Maybe it is difficult to steer properly if the pavement is rough. These problems often happen due to excessive wear and tear on your vehicle’s shocks or struts. Getting this problem checked out as soon as possible is key in taking care of your car before things get worse over time and lead to an accident.

Understanding the Role of Shocks and Struts

Shocks and struts play a vital role in your vehicle’s suspension system. While they are different parts, they do serve a similar purpose by minimizing the springing movement of your vehicle. Shocks and struts also help to limit oscillation and any bouncing that can damage the underside of your vehicle or make steering more difficult. Your car will be much easier to steer and handle if everything is working in tandem, which creates a smooth and enjoyable riding experience.

Does My Vehicle Have Shocks or Struts?

Vehicles either have shocks or struts, but they can’t have both. The difference between these parts is dependent on how your vehicle was manufactured. For example, shocks strictly work as shock absorbers, as their only objective is to improve handling. However, struts have numerous roles, as they are a part of your vehicle’s suspension system, and they also impact your car’s alignment. If a strut is ever replaced, you will also need a wheel alignment during the same appointment.

What Happens If Shocks or Struts Go Bad?

Dealing with either faulty shocks or struts makes it nearly impossible for you to keep control of your vehicle. Going over a pothole can easily cause you to lose control of your vehicle, which greatly increases the risk of an accident. Keeping your shocks or struts working correctly is essential to staying safe while driving on the road while also giving you peace of mind.

What Are the Common Signs That I Need New Shocks or Struts?

Understanding the signs of needing either new shocks or struts is important to safety. Paying attention to how your vehicle drives can help you determine if you need to make a replacement. Visiting your local auto repair shop is always a safe choice in diagnosing this problem accurately before it gets worse.

Here are a few of the most common indicators that you need new shocks or struts.

Bumpy Ride and Steering Problems

One of the most obvious signs of needing new shocks or struts is feeling more bumps while you are driving. You will also have much more difficultly steering, which is a major problem for anyone driving on the road.

Fluid Leaks and Braking Problems

A fluid leak is another common sign that you need shocks and struts repair services. Difficulty in braking can also happen due to worn-out shocks and struts. 

Uneven Tire Tread Wear

The tires of your vehicle will experience uneven tread wear due to the suspension or wheel alignment being off. Suspension damage can even result in scalloped dips occurring near the edge of the tread. Contacting an auto repair shop is essential in taking care of this problem.

How You Can Replace Shocks and Struts

The first step in replacing shocks or struts is to check to see if you need a spring compressor. Coil springs can be tricky. Removing the springs improperly can hurt you or your vehicle if done incorrectly. To begin the process, you will need to securely raise the side of your vehicle, whether you are using a lift or a jack to perform this task. 

Afterward, you will remove the wheel and extract either the shock or strut. Typically, there will be three bolts holding the strut in place, as you can loosen them with a socket wrench. You may need to use an impact wrench and socket extension to loosen the strut within the engine compartment. Installing the new shock or strut is mostly reversing what you’ve already done, as using a torque wrench is helpful in tightening all the bolts. Test-driving your car after the process is complete is important to ensure everything is working correctly without any issues.

Contact an Auto Shop for Shocks and Struts Repair

Fred’s Auto Repair offers shocks and struts repair services for customers at both our Briarcliff Manor and Shrub Oak locations. Unusual noises, nose dives over rough roads or uneven tire wear could all be indicators that you have bad shocks or are due to for car maintenance services. Our shop is approaching 50 years of providing quality services at affordable prices. We also provide many other services, whether you need an oil change, inspection, wheel alignment, tire replacement, and much more.

Contact us today to learn more about our shocks and struts repair services!