When to Repair Your Tires | Flat Tire Repair

Flat Tire Repair

Tires / November 18, 2021

When to Have Your Tires Repaired

Having your tires replaced is often an unnecessary expense, depending on the extent of the damage that has been done. Auto repair workers who prefer to upsell their services instead of providing honest opinions do not make this decision any easier for vehicle owners.

Are you concerned about the current state of your tires? Whether you have run over a sharp object or were forced to pull over due to a sudden flat tire, our ASE certified mechanics at Fred’s Auto Service & Repair are here to help you decide between having your tires repaired or replaced.

Tire Repair vs. Replacement

Run flats are more likely to survive flat tires

You may think that your tire damage is beyond repair;  however, there is a particular model that is designed to help you safely pull over at the first sign of a flat, and potentially survive the damage. Run flats are made with a structural material that remains upright for a few miles even when the air begins to drain out of your tire. If you have run-flats, we advise you to take advantage of this benefit.

As long as you can stop the vehicle within a couple of minutes of running into a flat tire, you should be able to have the part repaired without investing in an expensive replacement.

Tread separation should be addressed promptly

The tread on the surface of your tires is essential to your safety on the road. Although a vehicle will continue to function with tread separation, a damaged tire will quickly lose the remainder of its traction, which could lead to sliding and trouble braking at high speeds. Unfortunately, this issue is a common consequence that results from major accidents, and it always requires a tire replacement.

Shallow punctures within the tread can be remedied

If you run over a sharp object and you notice a puncture in your tire, this is not necessarily cause for a replacement. Small damages in the tread region may be shallow enough to not have punched through the entire width of the material. Damage that does not run deeper than a quarter of an inch can be filled in by a professional, however, we recommend taking your vehicle into an auto shop as quickly as possible so that the damage does not worsen with continued driving.

If you are still not sure whether to have your damaged or flat tire fixed or replaced, contact us today for a vehicle inspection. We are able to service your vehicle at either of our convenient locations in Briarcliff Manor or Shrub Oak.