How to Make Sure You Pass Your NYS Auto Inspection

NYS auto inspection

NYS Inspection / September 16, 2021

How To Make Sure You Pass Your NYS Auto Inspection

If you own and operate a motor vehicle within New York state, you’ll be called on to periodically pass the official NYS auto inspection.  This is understandably a matter of some concern for people since without passing inspection, their car cannot legally be on the road.  In addition, unlike some states, New York requires annual inspections.

Every year, every vehicle on the road has to be inspected, with very few exceptions.

So, let’s talk about what’s required by the NYS auto inspection, who needs to have inspections, and what will be required to pass.

I. What Vehicles Need to Pass the NYS Auto Inspection?

Every vehicle on the road.  Period.  There are no real exceptions here. 

The only exemption is that if a vehicle has been moved in from out-of-state, and was inspected in its previous state, that inspection is considered valid until either A) the inspection expires, or B) the vehicle has been in New York for a full year.

In addition, some electric vehicles and smaller vehicles like motorcycles may be exempt from emissions testing specifically, but still have to pass their safety tests.

In rare cases, you might be able to get an extension or grace period on your yearly testing.  This primarily occurs if the vehicle is out of state when its inspection expires.  In this case, you can mail the Bureau of Consumer and Faculty Services in Albany requesting a ten-day grace period after you return to New York.

Otherwise, if your vehicle stays here in New York, it has to pass inspection every year without fail.  

II. What Is Covered by The NYS Auto Inspection?

For the most part, the regulations are simple and common sense.  In many cases, you wouldn’t want to drive a car that fails the safety inspection because it would be genuinely unsafe – especially on busy New York roads.

There are eleven elements covered in the basic safety inspection:

  1. Seat belts must be in proper working order, although cars manufactured before 1965 are exempt.
  2. Brakes must function properly.
  3. Tire pressure and wear must be within acceptable tolerances.
  4. The steering assembly will be checked, including the front end, suspension, frame, and wheel fasteners.
  5. All car lights must function properly, at acceptable brightness levels.
  6. The windows and windshield must be in good condition.
  7. Windshield wipers must work, with soft blades and available cleaning fluid.
  8. The horn must honk.
  9. The vehicle must possess working rear-view mirrors.
  10. There cannot be any fuel leaks.
  11. Tinted windows must pass a light-level test to ensure they can still allow visibility for surrounding traffic.

The other portion of the test is the emissions test, and this is where many vehicles have problems.  Nearly all gasoline-powered four-wheel vehicles manufactured after 1996 are required to pass a standardized test known as the “On-Board Diagnostics Generation II” or OBDII test.  This ensures that:

  • The vehicle’s “check engine” light or equivalent is functional
  • The vehicle’s gas cap is present and fits properly
  • Emissions control and detection hardware is working properly
  • The car itself is emitting only permissible amounts of pollution.

Other systems that may be examined, depending on the type and model of vehicle, can include the catalytic converter, air injection system, gas recirculation valve, crankcase ventilation system, fuel inlet restrictor, or the thermostatic air cleaner.

Smaller vehicles, as well as older four-wheel vehicles, are put through a less vigorous test called the “low enhanced” emissions inspection.  

This is a stringent set of requirements but given the huge number of vehicles on the road in New York State, it’s necessary to keep pollution under control.

III. What’s Involved in A NYS Auto Inspection?

The good news is that most auto inspections are easy and won’t take too much of your time.  Nearly any qualified auto shop can perform the NYS auto inspection and provide your tags.  

The inspection itself shouldn’t take more than an hour and can usually be performed in 45 minutes or less.  The basic safety inspection is affordable, too, typically ranging between $10-$15 for most vehicles, or $20 for heavy vehicles.

Emissions inspections have a separate fee attached, although this isn’t too much either.  Depending on the type of vehicle, it will either be $11 or $27.  

So, your inspection shouldn’t be too much of a burden on your time or your wallet.  And since you’re taking your vehicle to an auto shop for testing, you can have any problems fixed right there – and then take another swing at the inspection.

Don’t Ignore Your NYS Vehicle Inspection

Just don’t.  Driving without inspection tags is a very good way to lose your driving privileges, or even have your car impounded.   

If you’re in the Briarcliff area, Fred’s Auto Repair has been providing quick and reliable safety inspections for decades.  Contact us to make an appointment before your tags expire!