Car Battery Replacement – Everything You Need to Know

Car Battery Replacement

Blog,Car Battery/ Tune Up / January 11, 2021

Are you unsure about when you need to book a car battery replacement service? Our team at Fred’s Auto Repair have prepared this quick guide and answer all your questions about car batteries and when to replace them.

Do Car Batteries Last for the Life of My Vehicle?

The short answer is no, they won’t. Unless you have a very short lease, if you own your car you will, at some point, have to change your battery. Battery life is typically 3 years, although some models can last up to 6 years, depending on your driving habits and the environment. The lifetime of your battery will really depend on the quality of the battery itself. Our team at Fred’s Auto Repair always recommends investing in quality brands for this exact reason.

How Will I Know If My Battery Needs to Be Switched?

Apart from the age of your battery, there are some signs that may indicate you need a car battery installation service sooner than later. Some signs include:

ü  A check engine light can sometimes be connected to a faulty battery

ü  You are having problems starting your vehicle

ü  Electrical problems with your car (dimmed lights are one key indicator)

ü  Visible battery corrosion on or around your connectors

ü  A foul smell from your car’s battery when you start up your vehicle. 

What If I Don’t Replace My Battery?

Choosing to ignore the warnings signs we’ve mentioned is not as critical as ignoring an engine or oil problem.  A dead battery is unlikely to actually damage your engine (unless it results in an accident).  Worst case scenario is that you will inevitably find yourself stuck somewhere once your battery does die. If it happens to be your driveway, a jump start may enable you to drive to a store or mechanic.  However, you do not want to be stuck on a poorly lit road, on a cold, snowy New York winter night waiting for roadside assistance or a tow truck.

Can I Replace My Car Battery?

While we know YouTube and other sites have many DIY instructions and videos, it is not recommended to attempt to replace your car’s battery on your own. There are many things that can go wrong, and it can actually cause damage to your car if not done properly – not to mention the danger you can put yourself in if you don’t know what you are really doing.  Vehicle owners unfamiliar with terminal locations, lacking jumper cables, unsure of the difference between a negative or positive terminal might clamp without grounding or might make a poor battery selection.

Get Car Battery Replacement Service Near You Today

Need a new car battery? Contact our team today to book this and other auto services!  We will test your battery, replace any damaged cable ends, clean all terminals, and apply a protective coating to avoid erosion or moisture issues.