How Long Will My Brake Pads Last?

Brake Pads

Many car owners wonder how long a new set of brake pads is expected to last before they will require a car brake repair. Unfortunately, it is impossible to give a precise timeline for these particular parts. The lifespan of your brake pads can range from 25,000-65,000 as it is entirely dependent on the way you drive your car and how much wear your brakes endure.

The positive side of this variability is that you are in control of how long your brakes last. Continue reading to learn a few tips on how you can keep your brake pads functioning for up to 65,000 miles from our car brake repair specialists at Fred’s Auto Repair.

How to Extend the Lifespan of Your Brake Pads

Don’t drive too fast

The faster you drive your vehicle, the more friction and pressure you will need to apply to your brakes in order to stop or slow down the vehicle. This added pressure will wear down your brake pads faster than a vehicle that is driven at a slower pace. Drivers who speed also tend to run into more situations where they are forced to stop abruptly. This can add additional damage to your brakes, which may require urgent car brake repair.

Keep your feet off the brakes

Many drivers make the mistake of riding their brakes while they are driving downhill or through traffic. This is often unnecessary and the driver could simply take their foot off the accelerator in order to slow the car down. Constantly setting off your brake lights could also leave you searching for an auto maintenance or repair service faster than you would like.

Clear your car of junk

The lighter your vehicle is, the easier it will be for your brakes to function properly. If your car is full of heavy objects that you do not need, consider clearing it out to reduce the pressure placed on your brakes.  Incidentally, reducing excess weight will improve your fuel efficiency as well.

Stop accelerating while approaching a stop

If you notice a stoplight or crosswalk in the distance, you should be able to sufficiently slow down your vehicle by coasting until it is necessary to press on the brakes. This will make your braking much more gentle, reducing friction.

Have your brake pads stopped performing the way they used to? Call us at (914) 762-1131 to schedule an appointment or visit our shop at 581 North State Road in Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510. A member of our team can inform you about our car brake repair services. Our past customers can tell you about their experiences with us.