Signs to Know It’s Time for Car AC Repair

Car AC Repair

There is nothing worse than having your air conditioner break down while driving on a hot day. Unfortunately, most drivers do not know what to look for when they suspect their air conditioner may be on the fritz.

Our ASE Certified technicians at Fred’s Auto Repair are well-versed in every type of car AC repair and we have provided a few tips for you to know when it’s time to take your vehicle in for repairs.

Three Tips for Knowing When to Seek Out Car AC Repair 

  1. The air conditioner is not cooling your car properly

The most obvious sign that an air conditioner needs repair is when the cooling level gradually decreases over time. You may need to turn the temperature higher than normal to achieve the same level of cooling that you are used to, which could mean your air conditioner is working much harder to perform the same function. If this is the case, you may need to contact an auto repair specialist for car ac repair or maintenance services.

  1. There is an odor coming from your AC unit

Your air conditioner should never emit an odor. If it does, this means there is a serious problem if you notice a smell coming from the unit. Often this odor is caused by mold which accumulates when the drain tube in your AC unit is dripping. A simple drain tube repair or replacement should solve this problem. If the smell is more identifiable such as a gas or sweet smell, this could be the result of some sort of leak in the system. If you suspect antifreeze or gas is seeping into your car AC unit, it is important to have your car inspected immediately for damages so that you do not inhale toxic chemicals while driving.

  1. Strange noises are coming from the AC unit

 The usual culprit of loud noises coming from your car AC unit is the compressor. The compressor is responsible for filtering out warm air and passing it through a condenser and an evaporator which in turn, creates the cool air that comes out of your vents. If the compressor is old or if you frequently turn your air conditioning on and off, blowing cold air becomes more difficult. The compressor may simply wear down from excess use and require repair or replacement.

Have you noticed any of the three mentioned signs of a faulty car air conditioner? Read what customers have to say about our car repair services and then contact us today to schedule an appointment for a car air conditioning system repair.